Computational Fluid Dynamics as good as it gets.

Join us at ETMM15 in Dubrovnik on 22-24 September 2025.

For the 15th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ETMM15), marking the 35th anniversary of the ETMM conference series, we return to the ETMM origins in Croatia. Please save the date and follow the ETMM website for more information.

Our group will be hosting the 15th ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation (DLES15) in 2026.

AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Best Paper Award!

AIAA liked our paper on GPU-accelerated simulations for eVTOL aerodynamic analysis. Happy and proud to have contributed one more step towards sustainable high-speed regional air mobility for people and goods, the all-electric vertical take-off and landing Lilium Jet.

Mohamad Fathi has won the Best Animation Award for his work on reacting multiphase sprays at transcritical pressures that he presented at The Art of Scientific Computing. Congratulations!

Jordi Casacuberta wins the Best Junior Speaker award at the 2022 Burgers Symposium. Congratulations!