Fluid Ablation Interactions on a Compression Ramp at Mach 8
A.O. Başkaya, S. Hickel, S.D. Dungan, C. Brehm (2024)
AIAA SciTech, NATO AVT-346: Instability and Transition in Hypersonic Separated Flows, Orlando. AIAA paper 2024-0501. doi: 10.2514/6.2024-0501
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) are performed over a 15° compression ramp undergoing ablation at Mach 8 to examine fluid-ablation interactions (FAI) on transitional high-speed boundary layers. The experiments at these conditions with a rigid wall are first numerically replicated for a laminar baseflow. Heating streaks are introduced by adding perturbations in the baseflow informed by prior stability calculations. The ramp is then replaced by a low-temperature ablator in our DNS and the interaction of the streaks with the recessing ablator surface are examined. Different approaches from two independently developed solvers are used to study this problem.
Assessment of immersed boundary methods for hypersonic flows with gas–surface interactions
A.O. Başkaya, M. Capriati, A. Turchi, T. Magin, S. Hickel (2024)
Computers & Fluids 270: 106134. doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2023.106134
The efficacy of immersed boundary (IB) methods with adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) techniques is assessed in the context of atmospheric entry applications, including effects of chemical nonequilibrium (CNE) and gas–surface interactions (GSI). We scrutinize a conservative cut-cell IB method and two non-conservative IB methods, comparing their results with analytical solutions, data from the literature, and results obtained with a reference solver that operates on body-fitted grids.
Verification and Validation of Immersed Boundary Solvers for Hypersonic Flows with Gas-Surface Interaction
A.O. Başkaya, M. Capriati, D. Ninni, F. Bonelli, G. Pascazio, A. Turchi, T. Magin, S. Hickel (2022)
AIAA Aviation Forum, Chicago. AIAA paper 2022-3276. doi: 10.2514/6.2022-3276
Verification and validation results of two immersed boundary solvers, INCA and CHESS, for atmospheric entry flows characterized by complex fluid thermochemistry and gas-surface interactions (GSI) are presented. Results are compared with those obtained with the body-conforming solver US3D, which is coupled to the same external thermochemistry library, Mutation++, as INCA and CHESS. In these campaigns, the INCA solver has shown an almost perfect agreement with the body-conforming reference solver and other reference results from literature.