Computational Fluid Dynamics as good as it gets.

A.O. Başkaya, S. Hickel, S.D. Dungan, C. Brehm (2024)
AIAA SciTech, NATO AVT-346: Instability and Transition in Hypersonic Separated Flows, Orlando. AIAA paper 2024-0501. doi: 10.2514/6.2024-0501

Direct numerical simulations (DNS) are performed over a 15° compression ramp undergoing ablation at Mach 8 to examine fluid-ablation interactions (FAI) on transitional high-speed boundary layers. The experiments at these conditions with a rigid wall are first numerically replicated for a laminar baseflow. Heating streaks are introduced by adding perturbations in the baseflow informed by prior stability calculations. The ramp is then replaced by a low-temperature ablator in our DNS and the interaction of the streaks with the recessing ablator surface are examined. Different approaches from two independently developed solvers are used to study this problem.