C.P. Egerer, S. Hickel, S.J. Schmidt, N.A. Adams (2014)
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’14: 367-378 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10810-0_25
We present LES results of temporally evolving cavitating shear layers. Cavitation is modeled by a homogeneous equilibrium mixture model whereas the effect of subgrid-scale turbulence is accounted for by the Adaptive Local Deconvolution Method (ALDM). We quantitatively compare LES results with experimental data available in the literature.
In terms of computational performance, we present a strong scaling study of our MPI-parallelized in-house FORTRAN code INCA on Cray XE6 “Hermit” at the High Performance Computeing Center Stuttgart (HLRS).

Visualization of turbulent eddies based on λ2 iso-surfaces.
Visualization of cavitation in vortex cores based on iso-surfaces of vapor volume fraction.